Shraddha is a Saturday-only certificate course aimed at empowering teachers, parents and special educators to reach out to a multi-ability group of children.
Over 170 hours, participants interested in working with the neurodiverse population learn and practise the following: developmental milestones and learning – the CNS and learning, perceptual development, early experiences in literacy and Piaget’s theory. They are facilitated to promote early literacy, thinking and learning, use visual strategies in learning, organise and manage a classroom, and address challenging behaviours. The theory of Multiple Intelligence (MI) empowers the facilitators to help the child learn through his/her predominant intelligence. The participants learn to assess, write a CPL (current performance level) of an individual, suggest remediation and make an IEP. Participant facilitators also experience using the multi-arts in the teaching-learning process.
Self-care is an important component of the course. Each individual explores and experiences different ways to nurture self, such that they are more empowered to facilitate learning for others. This course happens once a year.