Three hours of wholesome fun marked our very First Annual Sports Meet on February 18, 2023 at the Apps Eden Sports Academy - three hours of dedication and perseverance, skill and fitness, camaraderie and pride. It was our dream come true - a day where we celebrated physical literacy the way it should be.
About 35 students participated. Events were many – starting with a Surya namaskar, events for under 12 years, over 12 years and individual displays categories. There was a drill display too.
All students without exception listened to and followed instructions. They tried their best in every game that was planned for them. Another day of realization for us facilitators of the immense spirit and potential – they just knew to be there and use the space.
Some great celebratory moments when a little one inspired by a race run by the seniors asked to run the same and was soon joined by some other juniors. Believe us when we tell you that’s just another dared dream that came true on the spot.
Not only the students, parents too ran along with them. Fellow parents screamed at the top of their voices and cheered every child to complete the race - after all it wasn’t about competition; only completion mattered.
There were games for the entire audience comprising students, parents, siblings and grandparents. Led by a parent, the entire crowd Zumba Danced to foot tapping music, fought at the Tug of War and fell ROFL.
Every participant received a medal and certificate for their exemplar participation. The Meet came to a close with the singing of the National Anthem.
The place mattered – Apps Eden Sports Academy provided just the right space, ambience and stage for the Sports Meet.