Author: Divyatha KotaInitial thoughts were, “how will I build rapport and trust and play with the child, whose interests and…
Author: Vedhanayagam Appreciate and enjoy every moment with your child without being judegemental.
Author: Saritha P ROur student interns have been working on a software to design floor plans and we are all…
Author: Durga AravindTwo recent experiences that I had has given credibility to the belief that the Universe listens and how!!…
Author: Lakshmi SatishToday is Friday, the 13th. This caught my attention not because it is spooky but because it is…
Author: Vedavalli RamanujamWhen the rug was pulled this March 2020 from under our feet, most of us stumbled, became severely…
Author: Lakshmi SatishWhat inspires you? This question stared at me from the screen when I landed on a random page…
Author: Vedavalli RamanujamOur body has an inbuilt self-healing self-cleaning mechanism. Let’s give it good motivation to do it. 7 and…
Author : Vedavalli RamanujamThe new born, less than a year old has re-written just about everything . . . interesting…
Author : Durga Aravind These are troubled times indeed but we ought to do what we should and be grateful…